5 things to know about visiting the blue lagoon

Blue Lagoon

The scary communal naked shower isn’t really all that communal (Phew!)

I’m a prude, so I was not looking forward to these naked showers I’d been told about. When I flip-flopped my way across to the showers after changing into my swimming costume I was pleasantly surprised to find that the showers were actually in cubicles equipped with shower gel and conditioner (the conditioner smelled amazing)… and frosted glass.

I’d fully recommend putting conditioner in your hair and throwing it up in a bun before getting in the lagoon. I’d heard beforehand that the water makes your hair go crispy (?) but I had no such problem. Was this down to my well conditioned hair? Who knows!

You’ll probably fall asleep on the way home… maybe even in the lagoon

There’s something so relaxing about immersing yourself in warm water, surrounded by cold air and snow capped mountains. I visited the lagoon with my boyfriend, who commented that my eyes were starting to close while he was talking (no offence, Scott). Yep, just like when I have a lie in the bath,  (this was kind of a bath, just a very big one full of hundreds of people – not weird at all!) my eyes got heavy as my body and mind prepared to drift off into a slumber.

I slept the entire bus journey back to Reykjavik.

You’re probably going to end up in the background of millions of photos… looking like a wet rat

So many people got into the blue lagoon with their cameras and phones. I chose not to, it was one of the few parts of the trip I wasn’t equipped with a camera, and I really wanted to just enjoy the lagoon for what it is -a spa. Plus, I’d be too nervous that I’d damage something… and nobody really looks good with soggy wet hair and a quarter of an algae face mask still hanging off your cheek.

Still, at least I was safe in the knowledge that everyone who gets to see me in the lagoon, soaking wet and falling half asleep while relaxing won’t have any idea who I am.

You shouldn’t stand under the waterfall in a itsy bitsy bikini

I’d been advised to make a beeline for the waterfall. I do a lot of sport/running, so I always have tense muscles, a powerful waterfall beating on my back is just what I needed. Not what my swimming costume did though!

Yep, keep hold of your bras girls, or trunks if they’re loose men. I almost suffered a wardrobe malfunction and I wouldn’t have even noticed (I was enjoying the waterfall so much) if it hadn’t been from my boyfriend’s nervous facial expression.

It’ll be one of the best spas you ever visit… but you’re not quite sure why

You’re essentially taking a big, warm, natural bath in the freezing cold with a beer in hand and a tonne of people. But it will still be one of the best spa experiences. Some might consider the lagoon a tourist trap, but I feel it was worth the price and effort to get there, and I definitely felt relaxed despite the number of people in attendance.







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